Monday, March 18, 2013

breakspear family bloodline by craig

So folks why haven't you heard of this family? Maybe someone wants to keep it quiet for some reason? But you know of Rothschild's right? Why is this exactly? Take a look at this powerful Luciferian family. Whats their connection to the Jesuits? Do the math! I don't remember bloodline crazy intelligensia, David Icke speaking about them do you? This folks is the Breakspear family.

It's a secret Occult family, who have had some members live to ripe ages of 500 years old. Their one of the unknown
historic elite families on Earth. They are Pharoahs!

Breakspear is a riddle when it is translated into Latin, because it translates to BREAK SPEAR = Lance Rotto = Lancia Rotta =
Lancia Lotta = Lancelot. Lancelot is the first Knight to king Arthur.